Wednesday 12 January 2011

The Young Courtesan before Losing Her Innocence by Nina Alvarez

Found a poem today titled 'The Young Courtesan before Losing Her Innocence' by Nina Alvarez

The eyes of the man who loves me
seek in the dark while I
sleep gently. What rain I
am waiting for, what stories to share
in the warm rain. What rising hopes,
what a looking glass his love is,
making me more beautiful than the
truth of the face.

The man who loves me has dunes and
ruins in ancestral worlds, spaces of peace
untouched by law. It is these places I
will reside, in the countryside, when he comes
here from across the air.

-Nina Alvarez

The poem has inspired me to write quite a sombre drum riff with a restrained melody that breathes an air of melancholy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had forgotten I had written this! I wish I had known sooner than something I wrote inspired such artwork as well as a drum riff. It's like...the best thing I can imagine hearing right now.

    Do you mind if I share these on my blog?

    (I erased the previous comment because I wanted to sign in with my wordpress account.)

  3. Just realized the artwork is separate - reading your bandcamp page. :) Still the drum riff is awesome.

